Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why to Choose Yii2 for Your Next Project?

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How many of you have used Yii framework for getting your project done? Or let me ask how many are you aware of the significance of the Yii framework? Only a few would give a positive response. Isn't it? But Yii framework has gained the spotlight in no time and has overruled the ever-growing digital world. Till date, the developers were using Yii 1.1 version which was released in the year 2010. But with the growing demands in the industry and to add more features to the existing system, Yii was upgraded to Yii2 framework.

Read More:- How is the Yii2 framework better than other PHP frameworks?

Want to know in-depth what is Yii2 framework and what all features and upgrades does it has for us? Keep reading and know in detail about the Yii2 framework's significance.

Yii2 Framework Development Company

What is Yii2 framework?

Yii 2.0.16 is the latest version of Yii framework, which was released on 30 January 2019. This upgrade is basically a minor upgrade to the existing framework which offers better additional security factors. The new features will upgrade the existing apps and operations too which helps in fixing bugs accurately, offers more security options, user-friendly, provides quick and easy migrations.
Yii2 Framework Development Company

Benefits of choosing Yii2 Framework Development Company

  • Easy Installation: The developer team not at all has spare time to spend upon long tiresome installations and updations. Going for Yii2 framework offers quick and easy installation without consuming much time of the development team. So, Yii2 is the ideal place if you want to carry out hassle-free installations.
  • Modern Technologies: Yii2 includes a wide set of modern technology tools into its architecture, like-late static binding, SPL classes, anonymous functions, and interfaces.
  • Highly Extensible: Every component in Yii2 framework is highly extensible which can easily fit your business needs perfectly.
  • Easy migrations: Choosing Yii2 framework comes up with easy and quick migrations, thus making it easy on the user's end to carry out the migration. Moreover, there are various command-line tools which help in creating code templates to carry out quick database migrations.
  • Encourages Testing: The best part of Yii2 is that it comes with totally integrated with Codeception, one of the greatest PHP testing frameworks. This further helps in simplifying the process of unit, functional and acceptance tests for applications. Additionally, Codeception makes it easy to configure apps during the testing process.
  • Better Security: Yii2 framework comes with server-side and client-side validation process which uplifts the security level. Other security factors like cookie attack prevention and cross-site scripting further help the website to stay safe from various data attacks.

Over to you

After reading the above points, you can be sure that it is a worthy idea to invest in Yii2 framework development. You get a wide range of new features along with enhanced security. So, it's time to invest in a reliable vendor and take your business to heights.

Main Points:-

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Monday, July 15, 2019

How is the Yii2 framework better than other PHP frameworks?

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The advent of the Yii framework took place as an attempt to overcome drawbacks of the PRADO framework which exhibited slow handling of complex pages and complex customization of many controls. A number of versions of Yii are available in the market but Yii2 received a remarkable response from the developers. Yii2 is an open-source PHP framework used for the rapid and modern development of web applications. It is a rewrite version of Yii1.1 with complete features of RoR and PHP fraternity. It is a modernized PHP framework that is fast, secure, robust and efficient. It is built around the  Model-View-Controller composite pattern. Yii2 framework provides some extensible features for better development criteria. Keep reading to get familiar with Yii2.
 Yii2 Framework services ozvid

Features of Yii2 Framework

Yii2 possesses a comprehensive web development framework intending to take the framework to the next level of advancement. Yii2 was developed with a mindset to adapt the best features and practices of other web frameworks available to make it even more accessible to the developers. Let's discuss some of the most challenging features of this framework:
  • Namespace: One of the most evident features of Yii2 is the use of Namespaces. All the core classes of Yii2 are namespaced and class names are not preceded by "C". The use of Namespace dismisses the possibility of the code being vague in class names. The Yii class loader enables developers to use any core class of Yii without explicitly including that class file.
  • Component and Object: The  Component class CComponent in Yii1.1 is now enhanced and split into two further classes - Object Class and Component Class, in the newly designed Yii2 framework. Object Class stores the basic data structures and Component Class extends from it adding events and behaviors.
  • Object Configuration: Yii2 offers a simplified and uniform way of configuring objects.
  • Event: The events no longer need an on-method since the developers can use any event names and attach a handler to the event.
  • Path Alias: Path Alias is extended to both file/directory paths and URLs. It is also closely related with Namespaces.
  • View: A View class is introduced in Yii2 to represent the view part of the MVC pattern. Its "view" application component enables developers to globally configure it. Developers can have access to it through any view file via $this.
  • Assets: A new concept is introduced in Yii2 called asset bundle that is similar to script packages in Yii1.1 only with better configuration and support.
Also, Learn Yii2 framework

Why Choose Yii2 Over Other PHP Frameworks

  • Easy to install: Time is a major factor of concern for every developer and no one would like to spend considerable time on complicated installations.Yii2 installation is easy and simple since the process is managed using Composer. 
  • Highly Extensible: Yii2 framework gives high visual extensibility to all the components. It offers better customization to improve user experience.
  • Faster development: The projects involving repetitive tasks take a lot of unnecessary time. Yii2 offers a number of tools to customize those tasks and saves your precious time. It allows you to quickly create code templates for Forms, Extensions, and Models, etc.
  • Yii2 vs Laravel: This fast-moving technological world requires upgraded tools and techniques regularly to keep pace with the modernization and advancement. To keep up with this need, several PHP full-stacked PHP frameworks are introduced for the development of massive projects. However, among all those frameworks, Yii2 and Laravel are the two most popular and used frameworks. Both of these have proven to be convenient and effective for the developers but Yii2 exceeds in popularity due to its impressive features and outstanding performance. Also, Yii2 offers ease of development to the engineers with its simple configuration. Though Laravel too has exhibited excellent properties but Yii2 has slightly outdone Laravel in the following aspects:
    • Extensions provided by Yii2 are incompetent as compared to any other PHP frameworks
    • Yii2 web development is safer than Laravel since it provides advanced security tools.

Avail the Best Yii2 Framework Services

Are you looking for a reliable company to provide you with secure and robust Yii2 development services? Your problem can be solved at Ozvid Technologies. A team of experts with a considerable amount of experience in the industry will provide you with creative and innovative solutions meeting all your requirements. Contact us now to avail of the best Yii2 web development services. 
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